A mish mash today

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I wanted to give you a proper post today, but I have one of those draining headaches that only come after you've spent most of the day crying from heartbreak.  That's happened today, as we laid one of our cousins to rest this morning; gone too soon at 22.  Please send a prayer into the world today (or anyday) for mommas who have to bury their babies.

This week I've been reflecting a lot on a very helpful article I read a few weeks ago about responding to tragedy to those that you love.  No one really ever knows what to say or how to act, but this article; How Not to Say the Wrong Thing put out by the LA Times is really helpful for thinking about responses in times of tragedies.  The main idea being to think about where you fall within circles of closeness to the person most affected by the tragedy and recognize that only comfort should be given to anyone in circles closer to the center than yourself.  You can 'dump out', or cry, complain, lament to anyone in circles farther out than yours - but only comfort in.

I saw this video and it was a good reminder that despite what the world sometimes feels like today, our babies and young people have big dreams for a beautiful, bright future.  I think it's important to think about encouraging and supporting those bright dreams rather than always worrying for them.  (by the way; Grey wants to be a police officer and a farmer.  Gemma would like to play.)

Ainda dá Tempo (There is still time) from Ainda da tempo on Vimeo.

I took this buzzfeed quiz last night and it was a great reminder of all the ways in which I am very privileged in my life.  This I already know, but going through the list and actually checking off items that apply to me was a good reminder of just how grateful I am to live this charmed life  (thanks, Weller for sharing!)

I haven't posted about Gem and Grey's birthday parties out of sheer laziness (sorry) but as a quick recap:  Gem had a 'babydoll' party with picnic style snacking including both regular size foods (m&ms, oreos, etc) and babydoll size foods (mini m&m's, mini oreos, etc).   We made foam paper dolls and fed bottles to our babies while MY baby turned two!  How?

Greyson had a 'Messy' Birthday party on a cold, rainy day spent in our garage.  They fingerpainted (read: hand/face/foot painted), spit food out of their mouths, and pie'ed Brandon in the face (i love my husband).  Also, a cake exploded.  And my first born turned four!  How?

A few months ago, I walked outside and saw that Trixie had dug up out of the front flower bed three rosaries that I have never seen before.  Totally bizarre, but I could see that she dug them out from under one of the tall bushes and since I didn't know what else to do with them, I hung them up on one of the branches of that bush.  Well, this is the first year ever that the bush has bloomed?! It has had these beautiful pale pink flowers on it for weeks now, so I'm taking it as a good omen.

We have a very busy week coming up while we prepare for the 5K & Superhero Fun Run/Walk that I'm planning with our high school Alumni Association and also for our Summer Roadtrip vacation.  Plus, we are in the midst of getting bunk beds for the kids, some new developments for The Hunting Daddies, and regular house/bills/blog activity.

..blah, blah, blah - anyway, it's easy to get bogged down by distractions, but I loved this list from HandsFreeMama:  8 Suggestions for a Live More/Love More Summer.  I need to keep coming back to this list, especially in the next few days.

I also wanted to take a minute and say thank you to all of you for your enthusiasm, participation, and sharing/commenting on my The Mom Next Door Series.  I'm almost sorry that it's only every Tuesday that I share these amazing interviews with you all - I wish it was more than once a week!  The first two were fantastic (thanks Mum & Jamie) and there are so many more to come that will inspire, help you reflect, and laugh in the coming weeks.  Thank you for reading and thank you to the mummas that have contributed interviews.  I really truly love this series, and it's because of all of you.


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